Saturday, May 18, 2013

2013 WKC Canadian Nationals - Day 1

Silver Medal Continuous Sparring <35kg. 7 competitors, Rhane won first round (100 pts.), and got 3rd in second round. (50 pts) Three way tie at the end. Rhane lost the coin toss and lost the buy for the fight off for 1st, 2nd, 3rd. (All tied at 150 pts) At 10:00pm. He fought round three against BC and won, and then fought Quebec for gold, after a minute rest. Rhane fought hard, in the end it was a split decision, and he was awarded silver, you can tell he earned a lot of respect from kids, coaches, and parents. Amazing experience. He fought a total of 6 x 2 min matches on day 1, events started just after 8:30pm. He also did round one of Hard Kata (traditional) today and placed 11th out of 25 competitors.  After Day 1 Rhane earned a position on Team Canada for the 3rd year, and has the opportunity to compete at the worlds in Taranto, Italy in October, 2 more events at nationals to go.

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